Auditing & System Certification

We provides consultant and certificates for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 17025:2017 consultant services.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System

A well implemented Quality Management System allows you to demonstrate a predictable outcome related to your internal processes and procedures. It is a key tool to allow you to standardize your process to ensure consistent results every time. An effective Quality Management System will enhance customer satisfaction, achieve consistency, improve internal processes and assist in gaining repeat business from your customers.

The internationally recognized ISO 9001 series of Standards is a generic program. It is not aligned to a particular product or service and is therefore very flexible. It can be applied to any service or manufacturing company.

The ISO 9001 Standard is not designed to tell you how to manage your business; rather it is a tool that you can use to improve consistency and efficiency within your business systems and operations.

How will your business benefit from certification to this Standard?

  • Certification to an internationally recognized third party Standard such as ISO 9001 is increasingly becoming a condition of contract within Industry. More and more companies require suppliers to have this certification.
  • The ISO 9001 system can be utilized within your business to improve efficiency by standardizing processes and procedures saving your staff time and your business money.
  • Management systems certification can be used as a competitive advantage particularly in the tender process leading to increased tender success and increased business opportunities.

  • ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety System

    The safety management systems ISO 45001 states that an OHS Management System is "that part of the overall management system which includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the OHS policy and so managing the risks associated with the business of the organization".

    With the endless amount of both state and federal legislation surrounding occupational health and safety, a safety management system can thoroughly assist and organization with regulatory compliance. Via regular audits an organization can be confident that they are meeting their health and safety obligations.

    The benefits of a safety management system

    A good safety management system provides a business with an effective way of protecting their employees and others from injuries and illness that occur in the workplace. Other benefits include:

    • Due Diligence: A safety system helps demonstrate that management is meeting its legal responsibilities in relation to safety legislation and regulation and is doing so effectively
    • Consultation: A systematic approach to processes ensures that employees and other stakeholders are involved in the business and are aware of health and safety concerns before they become much larger problems.
    • Performance Verification:Systems can be audited and monitored to provide independent verification that health and safety performance is meeting expectations. Gaps in the processes can be quickly identified and corrected.
    • Cost Efficiencies: A well-functioning safety management system will deliver long term cost efficiencies. Think about what your organization can save by avoiding workplace injuries and illnesses as well as reducing any damage to property.

    ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

    The pressure to meet stringent environmental requirements placed upon companies has never been greater. As consumers move their focus towards sustainability rather than purely price, Industry must respond by decreasing its environmental impacts and improving its use of raw materials and recycling.
    Sound environmental management relates to identification of potential impacts, management of these issues and measurement of the success of your management programs. The internationally recognized ISO 14001 series of Standards is a good starting point to assist companies to identify the areas within their operations where they can improve their environmental performance.
    Sound environmental management relates to identification of potential impacts, management of these issues and measurement of the success of your management programs. The internationally recognized ISO 14001 series of Standards is a good starting point to assist companies to identify the areas within their operations where they can improve their environmental performance.

    How will your business benefit from certification to this Standard?

    • Certification to an internationally recognized third party Standard such as ISO14001 is increasingly becoming a condition of contract within Industry. More and more companies require suppliers to have this certification to demonstrate strong environmental management within their operations.
    • Management systems certification can be used as a competitive advantage particularly in the tender process, leading to increased tender success and increased business opportunities. ISO 14001 is widely recognized as a minimum requirement for exporters and defense contractors.